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We're uploading content to, this is one of our latest projects, it's a prototype, and we are actually working on designing a better game. It's a small life simulator and we hope you all enjoy it. In our itch io profile you can find more small games to play online, most of them are smartphone friendly.
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#TvJam: Updates on the work. Well there is a big challenge to start learning another engine or language or even a program to participate in a Jam. But i like the way things have gone. At firs sight a point and click game should not be so hard to do, but there are a lot of needs that are not fullfilled for a common engine where you should start from scratch. Anyhow at this rate the advance in develop has been pretty cool, so without further addo: The milestones had been completed today, every point on the engine is working fine, now it's time to make the maps and join all parts to make it work together. Also there is the graphics part in wich i should work right now, because it should be finished as soon as possible. I have used saturday and sunday to look for sounds and music, something that resembles the original tracks of the cartoon, but not the ones in the serie, fortunately, as always, had the music i was looking for. It was not easy to fin

TvJam second day.

Yesterday was a very productive day, and that's cool because i often reach the creative block soon. I've decided to continue producing for this game instead use all those ideas for a new product. Main frame is finished already and now it's time to work mainly in story and flow. Milestones Done: -Hud -Splash -Title screen -First scene -Message system -Inventory -Save and load system. To Do: -Mission maps -Battle selection -Battle system -Quests and gal system. Scenes finished: Splash Title Game start/Continue First talking scene To do: Characters Battle backgrounds Enemies Friday's work summary: Programming: Main frame (milestones described up) using gdevelop. Testing main frame Art: All graphics should be original, even when they shall use the original series pallete and style, i've tried to copy the style as much as possible, without extending on details to save time. Use inkscape to make the vectorized images and then e
Challenge #TvgameJam just started. Already working on the main frame for the game and it's almost finished. Milestones Done: -Hud -Splash -Title screen -First scene -Message system -Inventory -Save and load system. To do: -Mission maps -Battle selection -Battle system -Quests and gal system. This is our first screen, later i will change the graphics to avoid copyright.
A unas horas de iniciar el reto en para publicar un juego online. Decidí además ingresar en otro para tener un poco más de hype. Estaré trabajando en gdevelop, no es un motor que conozca bien, precisamente ese es el reto, habrá que revisar que puede y no hacer y para eso estoy en estos momentos revisando toda la documentación disponible. No hay muchos ejemplos, quepa decir y los pocos que hay no están profundizando en lo que se necesita, pero es parte de lo mismo, hay que ver con que se cuenta para ver que se produce. Utilizaré el motor de Gdevelop, probablemente pagando la licencia indie para poder hacer las revisiones correctamente y posteriormente subirlo a la plataforma. Para las gráficas, es muy posible que utilice Inkscape y luego les de volumen usando Krita o GIMP. Si es necesario hacer algo en pixels utilizaré definitivamente Graphics Gale y quizá alguna de mis plantillas de personajes o mapas. No sé aún si tendré tiempo de hacer música para el juego, si fuera así e